Friday, March 4, 2011

Too busy to blog

Well, there's been a lot of frog killin' going on down here since we last spoke (that's southern talk for 'busy as a beaver building a dam').  The humans took off during the holidays for New York City.  Yes, I and the short dogs were left behind.  My sister from Colorado that was supposed to stay with me (and I do love her more than she probably cares for me to show her) went to the Big Apple so I was left to my own devices.  There seemed to be an abundance of short dogs, Beenie Weenie and Blue were visiting so there were five of us here.  Why I wasn't put on that plane I can't figure out.  I mean really, how often am I going to get the chance to see and meet my founding Mother at New Zion or shop in Manhattan? 

Well, loves, what goes around comes around.  It seems the great blizzard of the century caught the humans by surprise.  They finally got back and we had our own blizzard.  Serves everyone right.  I do love the snow.  Maybe it's in my Shiloh-genes. 

Of course, some of us are just a whole lot smarter about these weather changes than others.  It would appear short dogs are short on brain cells as well.  Good grief.

And let's just say the other short dog, Master Bob Barker, was unable to withstand the freezing of his oh-so-low-to-the-ground private parts.  He mostly sat on the porch and peed.  My Mom was very, very unhappy for this behavior. 

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