Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It's been crazy weird around here lately--all I hear is 'Voltaire's coming--puppy, puppy, puppy!"  I really have no idea what a Voltaire is or for that matter a puppy but the Humans keep saying it over and over.  You'd think they want me to say it and I might if they don't stop.  Anyway, last night they put this sign around my neck, loaded me into the Nalligator with Grandogma and off we went for a ride.  I love to go for rides.  We drove to the airport and it brought back memories from someplace not long ago but I couldn't quite put my paw on it. 


We waited and waited and finally some Lady Human came out the door looking for us.  Must have been pretty important as all the Humans left me sitting in the truck which didn't seem fair since I did have to wear that sign and all.  After a few minutes, out they come all grinning and talking and my Mom Human is carrying something (very stinky I might add) all wrapped up in a blanket with a goofy looking Christmas hat on its head.  What the heck is this and why is it getting in my truck?  This is a joke, right?  No doubt, we are just delivering this thing someplace else.  It smells bad and no one is paying attention to me so I let them know I was still back here--I barked and barked and let it know it better be heading on down the road--the Humans were not amused.

Well, I'll be darned if we don't pull back up in the driveway and take that thing into MY house!  Mom took him straight upstairs for a quick bath and was bragging about what a good boy he was, standing still and not crying.  Boy, do I have a few things to show him--I HATE baths so I don't take them.  Stupid puppy.  Mom brought him back downstairs and the Short Dogs started acting like fools.  Agnies just couldn't wait to play like the Mommy, Bob couldn't wait to get the toys and I couldn't wait to make it go away.  Mom fed it and kept taking it outside to do the 'go potty'--geez, how hard is that?  When she got back, Grandogma was oohing and aahing so they took some more pictures.  What's so special about all this anyway?  It eats, poops and runs around like it's got batteries and I wish someone would find the off switch!

Well, I finally got into trouble when I almost knocked the gate over but the Humans were talking about this new thing and here's the scoop:

His name is VOLTAIRE (officially FantASIA's Voltaire of Solace) and he got here from my Puppy Mom, Laura Kathryn of Solace Shilohs.  He is a breed quality stud muffin from the Asia and Aslan litter born October 26, 2011.  Someday, he'll probably make some more annoying puppies but for now, we're stuck with him.  Glad he finally calmed down and left me alone.  Stay tuned, I'm still working on what to do with him.