Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Being the 34th anniversary of the passing of that great Memphis legend, Elvis, it seemed fitting that we pay tribute to Mr. Blue Suede Shoes.  Personally, I never cared much for him or his music but I did like Priscilla (until she messed up her lips with that poison injection and now looks like a Goldfish) and his daughter has certainly been a hot topic of various trash magazines (but I thought her video with The Michael was a good effort to cover-up their marriage disaster).  Truth be known, Elvis just wasn't as cool as say, Ringo or Mick or even Elton John.  Couldn't sing all that well but he sure could move those hips!  Funny how a dead celebrity tends to skyrocket their popularity...Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin--see what I mean?  Too bad talent has to go the way of drug cocktails and dain bramage. 

Hey, that looks like my Great Aunt Gracie!

By the way Bob Barker, you can stop looking for Him...you ain't nothin but a hound dog...

Monday, August 15, 2011


Now before ya'll go getting self-righteous on me, there's some things we need to get straight.  We ladies here in the southern part of the mid-western Plains are generally known for our extremely polite and gracious manner.  For instance, a true lady will always offer something cool to drink and snack on when you pay a visit.  She will not, however, be glad you were 'in the neighborhood' and stopped by without calling first.  It would seem that there are more and more hateful humans in this world than you can shake a finger at or in my case, stick a nose in an inappropriate place at.  I, myselves (those other biatches in my head that make me misbehave; i.e., chase cats, bark loudly so the humans jump two feet off their chairs, open doors and let a/c in/out and pin the short dogs to the ground when necessary) always try to do my best to a) give you fair warning and let you know I'm behind that fence or door, b) with permission smell you, then wag my tail and c) ignore you unless there is food in your hand or a nearby location.  We are just nice like that.  This is just the way we bitches are because we are DOG bitches.  We really could care less on most days what you Humans' political, religious or personal interests are so long as we are fed on schedule. 

Humans of the female sort tend to run on a different short leash.  There are nosy, sneaky, arrogant, lazy, self-righteous, opinionated and downright stupid bitches--sort of like the Seven Dwarves on Hormones.  I mean seriously--the only time you're gonna see the DOG bitches get into each others face is over food, space or possessions of the toy type.  Once we're bred, we don't even care about the last boyfriend we jumped the fence over. 

No matter how well you think you know someone, just throw out your ideas on the government and/or religion and see who's fur stands up on their neck.  As the Human Grandogma says, "If you can't say something nice, keep your trap shut."  Something to think about in the coming days of political ugliness and party posturing ya'll.  I'm a Leashatarian Shiloh (free to do whatever I can get by with) and I say--be nice or you might step in somethin'.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Bonjour!  That's French for good day.  However, do ya'll see me in this picture?  Me neither.  That would be Tres Bad!  I sat around listening to 'conversational' French for weeks and was prepared to be the Madame Pompidou of Paris when I was shocked to find that not only was I stuck with Bob Barker and Ms. Agnies BUT that little wienie dog, Beanie and his yappy, jumpy, more irritating than you can imagine terrier, Blue, appeared and the humans were gone--for two weeks, no less.  I had to set some things straight right away and almost lost my mind (and a few pounds) until My Humans returned.  I did not eat the cats although it did pass my mind several times.

When My Humans returned, the nice cool weather I so love turned rapidly into a heatwave.  I swear ya'll, you could cook eggs on the back of a cat layin' in the sun.  I determined that the only necessity to exit the cool air conditioning would be first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  When you have a gorgeous fur coat as I do, there is no amount of panting or water drinking that cools this big girl down to tolerable.  I hate the swimming pool, water hoses and misters.  They simply muss me up and I refuse to be a dolt lying in the sun like I don't know better--note to Bob and Agnies--it's hotter than blazes out there and if you don't lie in the sun, you won't get so hot!  Anyways, this record-setting heat has lasted for nearly two months now.  Someone has made amends with the rain gods and sent it our way these past few days and we are basking in low 90's instead of cooking at 115 degrees and that ain't the heat index.

Speaking of hot--what's a girl to do when she does get wet or messy and I must admit, I do make such a fuss with My Humans that they thus far have 'almost' given up on baths.  I have dumped at least 100 lbs of hair on every available nook and cranny in the house, on the chairs and I can't help it--I eat it.  Now that might seem a bit odd to anyone else but it IS my hair and if I like to chew on it, so be it.  Mrs. Human has been hacking with her tiny scissors at these awful mats on my butt and I look rather shaggy at the moment but I can assure you, I will just grow more hair to replace the missing ones and maybe twice as much hair.  That way, I can spread the love as far and high as possible.  It's the least I can do so she has something to do besides sit in that pool if I can't be in there!

Mr Human gave the deck a mini facelift and we simply adore what he's done!  He's so thoughtful...